Authors: Dr. Judit Balogh, Dr. Ákos Kékuti
The OGYÉI [National Institute of Pharmacy and Nutrition at Hungary] inspected the activity of Sanofi regarding the referred events under the frame of promotion supervision procedure against Sanofi Aventis Zrt. in its recently published decision under OGYI 53987/2016. id. number.
The authority noticed, that slides (presentations) being showed by HCPs [health care professionals] at advisory board type events were largely identical to Sanofi’s own materials.
In case of the aforesaid slides (presentations) the authority did not recognize the content of the presentations as the own intellectual property of the HCPs. Consequently, the authority did not recognized the already paid remunerations for the presentations, and stated, that there is no real consideration behind the service of the HCPs, therefore the Authority decided that this payment is in a conflict with the Article. 14 (1) of the Act XCVIII. of 2006. [Gyftv.]
The authority also inspected ‘scientific meetings.’ The Authority stated, - upon the minutes of the scientific meetings - that questions and answers for the HCPs were ‘formal’, therefore the minutes do not prove any professional work, they did not required any professional work from the HCPs, consequently the answers did not require any preparation from the HCPs. The OGYÉI also stipulated that the paid remunerations of the HCPs is in conflict of Article. 14 (1) of the Gyftv
The OGYÉI ordered the termination of the infringing behaviour in its decision and it imposed an amount of HUF 9.000.000 as fine on Sanofi.
Upon the decision of the Authority, we believe, that the review of internal policies and practises of business operators might worth consideration regarding advisory board and scientific meeting events, in order to comply with the legal legislation and recommendation of the Authorities during the preparation and organization of such events.
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